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Mama Bear Tactical

Hey there! I'm Rebecca, and I help women to build their confidence as they learn to effectively use handguns. Whether you're scared to touch a gun, or you know how to shoot and want to improve, this is the class for you!! 

I'm a homeschool mom and

a Marine Corps Veteran, and

I'm passionate about helping

women feel confident and

safe wherever they are. 

MamaBearTacticalOK Logo

$25 discount if you or a family member are:

A Veteran

Active Duty Military 


A Teacher (homeschool moms, too!)

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Oklahoma Concealed Carry Permit (CCW)

Did you know Oklahoma is a Constitutional Carry state? That means you can carry a personal firearm where allowed without a license! BUT - just like with any tool - proper training is vital! 

My Basic Pistol Course is recognized by the State of Oklahoma as proper training if you want to apply for your CCW! 

Also, this permit is reciprocated in 36 other states - so if you travel there WITH your CCW, you're legal! 

For more info on Oklahoma's CCW laws, see 

When seconds count, police are minutes away.
Ladies, you are the first responder of your home!

Train Every Woman! 

© 2024 by Mama Bear Tactical, LLC in Tulsa, Oklahoma

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